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Are you feeling stressed?

If so, you’re not alone…

Life can get busy, and I know exactly how it feels!

So I thought I’d share some tips I personally use to boost my mood and focus levels
Which feel great regardless of whether or not you’re feeling stressed.

I’ll call them Maggie’s 3 Mood-Boosters.

These easy “mood hacks” can have tons of positive mental effects in the long-term, too, including improving memory and overall brain health.

So let’s get started with:

Mood-Booster #1: Bring the outdoors indoors
Did you know houseplants do more than just brighten up your living space?
According to research, houseplants can also reduce stress and even boost concentration.1
This is because plants help a space feel more soothing, plus caring for them can help add more value to your day.
Not to mention, studies show indoor plants can even improve indoor air quality!2
You can opt for something as small as a succulent on your windowsill… flowers from the grocery store… or even a large potted plant, like a Dracaena Tree.
(I love Dracaenas because they’re affordable and only need water about once per week, so they’re super low maintenance.)
Mood-Booster #2: Put a (fake) smile on
According to brain experts, smiling can help you feel positive emotions and reduce stress…
Even if it’s a FAKE smile.3
It may feel silly at first, but trust me — this is a great way to create a “happy habit” and channel positivity throughout the day.
Personally, I try smiling in the bathroom whenever I wash my hands…
But you could also do it while you prepare breakfast… while driving… or really wherever and whenever works best for you.
Mood-Booster #3: Declutter your home (and mind!)
Mail, paperwork, trinkets in the junk drawer… sometimes clutter feels inevitable —
But studies show that simply SEEING clutter in our space can increase stress.4
On the other hand, a tidy home can help you feel totally at peace.
I know it can seem like a daunting task, so I recommend decluttering in ‘bite-size pieces’ throughout the week.
So after you read this email, try to spend 5-10 minutes “decluttering” an area of your home, whether it be a kitchen drawer or coffee table.

These simple tricks are so easy to implement, but can make a huge difference in helping you feel calm and relaxed

Like a weight has been lifted from your shoulders.

So give them a try and reflect on the difference in your mood.

You might be amazed by how calm and uplifted you feel!

And to help you maximize your mood even further… I wanted to share another essential (and often overlooked) way to keep you feeling vibrant and positive all day long:

Bonus Mood-Booster #4: Sleep away your stress

How did you sleep last night?

If you found yourself tossing and turning…

Waking up frequently…

Or feeling exhausted even after a full night’s sleep…

You’re not alone!

A LOT of people are struggling to get restful sleep these days (especially with everything going on in the world).

And that’s concerning — because deep, restorative sleep is one of the BEST things you can do for your health.

Getting the proper amount of sleep can help:

  • Strengthen your heart and immune system
  • Improve your balance
  • Reduce unwanted weight gain
  • Improve mood, memory, and productivity

Plus, when you get a good night’s sleep you just feel better, right?

And since I know you might be having a hard time getting the rest you deserve…

Today I’ve put together a few great tips for improving your sleep.

You’ve probably already heard it’s a good idea to put your phone down an hour or two before bed…

Or to avoid caffeine in the afternoons…

But you might be surprised by some of these little-known “sleep hacks”:

1. Skip salty foods at dinner.
A high-sodium meal will naturally trigger your kidneys to “flush” your system…
So if you load up on salt before bed, there’s a higher chance you’ll wake up to visit the bathroom in the middle of the night.
Sticking with a low-sodium dinner can help you avoid interrupting your sleep when nature calls.
2. Breathe slowly.
If you find yourself awake in the middle of the night with racing thoughts, deep breathing is a great way to calm your mind and relax.
Try counting slowly to 5 as you inhale, then again as you exhale — aiming for 6 breaths per minute. Not only will this relax your body, it gives your mind something else to focus on.
3. Make a list.
Do thoughts about tomorrow keep you up? Getting those tasks out of your head and on paper can help ease your worries.
In fact, a 2018 study showed that spending just 5 minutes to write a to-do list for the next day helped people fall asleep faster.

Trying even 1 of these methods could make a huge difference in your sleep…

Which can immediately impact the health of your entire body.

So I want you to do yourself a favor:

Pick at least 1 of these techniques to try tonight.

I have a feeling you’re going to wake up rested, restored, and ready for the day!

And something else that works wonders to keep my stress levels down is my soothing “relaxation formula” — AdrenaLife.

It’s designed to regulate your body’s “mood center” so you can feel totally focused and calm… even during the busiest of days.

It’s made a significant difference in my own life — and I’m certain you’ll love how mentally sharp and relaxed it helps you feel.

CLICK HERE to learn how AdrenaLife can help you enjoy more balanced moods and sharper focus.

1. Health and well-being benefits of plants. Published 2022. Accessed October 11, 2022.
2. Getting into the Weeds: Do Houseplants Really Improve Air Quality?. Published 2022. Accessed October 11, 2022.
3. The Science Of Smiles, Real And Fake. Published 2022. Accessed October 11, 2022.
4. The Unbearable Heaviness of Clutter (Published 2019). Published 2022. Accessed October 11, 2022.