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You’ve enjoyed tea for breakfast. You’ve enjoyed tea at “tea time”. But have you ever indulged in tea for sleep? Whether you go for valerian root tea or chamomile tea, the herbs in these calming teas might be able to help you with sleep issues.

Can tea actually help you enjoy restful sleep? Yes, indeed it can. Look up bedtime teas that will enable you to sleep soundly. There are a lot of choices.

Sleeping well is important for your body and mind. To find out which ingredients and herbal teas can help you say, “nighty night” and get a good night’s rest, read on.

That said, if you continuously struggle to fall asleep — or stay asleep — it is worth consulting your regular doctor. Tea can be helpful, but it is not a substitute for regular medical care.

Which Herbal Teas Can Support Restful Sleep?

In the same way that people turn to caffeine to wake up in the morning, you can turn to caffeine free lavender tea and peppermint tea. Do this to soothe stress and prime your body to fall asleep!

Check out these types of teas to take advantage of their calming herbs, and discover a more restful sleep.

Is Valerian Root Tea an Effective Sleep Supporter?

Valerian root tea comes from different areas of Europe and Asia. The flavor is a bit earthier than the more floral herbal teas. Fix a toasty mug of valerian root tea by boiling water and letting it cool slightly before steeping.

When it comes to relaxation, valerian tea is high on the list of aids to help with falling asleep. A recent study of valerian root supports this tea’s capability to help with getting a good night’s sleep.1

Valerian root tea has been said to interact with some specific medications. Always check in with your doctor before relying on this drink to help you fall asleep.

Calming Effects of Peppermint Tea

Peppermint tea is a wonderful tea for sleeping. This caffeine-free tea is usually a blend of spearmint and peppermint. Drinking peppermint tea before you get ready for bed has been said to improve sleep quality. Peppermint tea might help you de-stress because its calming herbs help relax muscles.

tea for sleep | Activated YouBut peppermint tea can do more than help you with sleeping. Many people turn to peppermint tea before other drinks to help soothe gas and minimize bloating.2

How Can Chamomile Tea Help with Sleep?

Of all the herbal teas people turn to for restful sleep, chamomile tea is most popular. Many drink chamomile tea to help relieve stress. Chamomile has a bright, apple-y flavor from the flower camellia sinensis. A whiff of floral notes in chamomile loose leaf teas inspires a good night’s rest.

Did you know chamomile ingredients could offer some stress-relieving potential? One study discovered chamomile flower extract reduced stress in participants. Chamomile tea is also thought to help relieve tension and supports rest.4

You can drink chamomile tea for sleep, but it might also help you feel better when you wake up. In fact, researchers discovered chamomile flower improved alertness upon waking.5

For the Love of Lavender Tea

Lavender tea gives off the light aroma of mint and floral herbs. It’s light, sweet, and its scent can soothe your senses before you hit the hay. In a study of lavender aromatherapy, results showed increases in deep sleep and heightened energy levels upon waking.

Scientists found that lavender actually improved deep sleep. They also reported the herb made a more significant impact on women.7

Prepare a cup of lavender tea and before you start drinking it, breathe in the scent. You’ll likely feel an instant sensation of relaxation.

tea for sleep | Activated You

The Best Herbal Teas to Help You Catch Your ZZZs

What’s your bedtime ritual? Is it a nice hot shower and some reading? Or do you moisturize your hands and feet and crawl under the covers for a long slumber?

Whatever your routine, drinking tea can help your brain and body let go of the day and prepare to fall asleep. It doesn’t matter if you prefer chamomile tea or lavender tea. Herbal teas ingredients can help relax you.

And remember — if you have lasting trouble falling or staying asleep, consult your doctor.

Learn More:
9 Incredible Benefits of Mint (and how to grow this herb at home)
What is Integrative Medicine? (and is it best for your health?)
What’s the Big Deal with Tart Cherry Juice? (benefits vs hype)
