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2019 was a big year full of wonderful health tips, striving to be better, and learning new lessons about wellness practices that are right for you.

chai teaNow that it’s the new year, wouldn’t it be great if there was a way to go back and revisit the top blogs of last year as a refresher before taking on 2020’s goals? Guess what… there is.

ActivatedYou has compiled the top five blog posts of 2019 so you can take a look back on your favorite subjects from last year.

Give these articles a quick re-read. And trust that ActivatedYou will continue to bring you up-to-the-minute health updates and cutting-edge ideas about best health practices for years to come.

ActivatedYou’s Top 5 Blogs from Last Year

1. Chai Tea Benefits to Enjoy Today! — You read the word on every coffee house menu board, “chai”. But what exactly is the mysterious spice responsible for your favorite latte? And what are the health benefits that come with that warming, spicy flavor? Believe it or not, there’s more to chai than its unique flavor profile. While recipes for chai tea may vary from country to country (or coffee house to coffee house), the classic ingredients usually feature black tea, clove, ginger, cinnamon, and cardamom. Read this favorite blog post to learn more about chai and what it might do for your health.

2. banana and yogurtHere’s Your Ultimate Guide to Prebiotics and Probiotics — Prebiotics vs probiotics — what’s better for you? The question is actually moot because prebiotics and probiotics work best together. But just how do probiotics and prebiotics work? Well, your gut (aka your gastrointestinal tract) is filled with trillions of bacteria and yeasts. Some are great for your health, but others may compromise your health. You always want the good bacteria to outnumber the bad ones. That’s where probiotics come in. Probiotics are the good guys that help to reinforce those already in your gut. And prebiotics feed the probiotic good guys. Care to learn more? Read this blog and expand your knowledge.

3. Ginger for Upset Stomach (5 ways to eat more ginger) — Has anyone ever mentioned drinking ginger ale as a way to help an upset stomach? That recommendation is not too far off base. Why? Because ginger is a root with a sweet and spicy taste that’s often used in holistic practices to help with infection and stomach discomfort. Can this trusted root live up to its hype? Read on to find out.

4. Everything You Need To Know About Intermittent Fasting — The idea of fasting isn’t new. In fact, your ancestors were likely forced to fast. Food wasn’t always available before the industrial revolution and refrigeration. Hunters and gatherers had to fight and forage for their food. Sometimes they had to go days without food. These days, though, you can choose to fast a part of a health and wellness regimen. Read this blog article to learn more about the benefits of fasting and the smartest ways in which to practice fasting.

5. What are the Benefits of Mint Tea? — It’s one of the best flavors out there and even the aroma of mint is so refreshing. But how can mint tea help your health? Mint has been used throughout history to support immune function. If you’re interested in learning more about mint tea, the best ways to prepare it, and all mint tea has to offer your health, read this blog post.

2019 in Review: Top Blogs for ActivatedYou

Just because it’s a brand new year doesn’t mean you can’t pay attention to older lessons. In fact, lessons are meant to be learned and relearned throughout life. So, take a little time and dive back into your favorite posts from 2019.

Again, the benefits of mint tea, how to use ginger for an upset stomach, the differences between prebiotics and probiotics, chai tea 101, and a breakdown on intermittent fasting are just some of the top articles of last year. But there are so many more articles that can help you live your best life. Just check out the ActivatedYou blog.

And, as you think about how you want to improve your health and general well-being in 2020, consider ActivatedYou one of your go-to sources for new information and classic wisdom. Happy New Year from ActivatedYou.