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Almond oil is a widely used oil that has many medicinal and nutritional benefits. Almond oil is rich in fat, minerals, and vitamins. It’s made from the fat of the almond and may be refined or unrefined.

By using almond oil, you may be able to support the health of your hair, skin, and body. Check with your doctor about the use of this natural oil and how it may benefit you.

What Is Almond Oil?

Almond oil is made from the edible seed of the fruit of the almond tree, also called prunus dulcis. Both sweet and bitter almonds exist, but the sweet almond is the most typical almond variety used in oils and food.1

Almond oil is full of vitamin E and is known for its free-radical fighting abilities.

There are many almond products available on the market today. While you can eat almonds whole, they are also used to make non dairy almond milk, almond butter, and almond flour.

What Vitamins And Minerals Are Present In Almond Oil?

Almond oil is rich in vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. Almond oil contains lots of healthy proteins, fiber, magnesium, copper, and unsaturated fats.3

almond oil benefits | Activated YouVitamin E is the most prevalent vitamin in almond oil, and there is over a quarter of your recommended daily intake of vitamin E in just one tablespoon. There is also a small amount of vitamin K in almond oil as well.4

Refined vs. Unrefined Almond Oil

Almond oil is extracted from ripe seeds by using a press. The resulting oil can be either refined or unrefined. Refined almond oil may be extracted by using high levels of heat and chemicals.

Because of this extraction process, refined almond oil may not contain the same nutrition and health benefits as unrefined almond oil. Unrefined almond oil is extracted at lower temperatures and is able to maintain high levels of flavor as well as nutrients.5

Is Almond Oil Considered An Essential Oil?

Essential oils are highly concentrated oils often used in aromatherapy as mood or sleep enhancers and to soothe or ease stress. They are extracted from plant roots, leaves, and flowers.6

Because essential oils are incredibly potent, they are typically diluted with carrier oils. Almond oil is extracted from the seed of the almond fruit, so it’s considered a carrier oil and not an essential oil.7

What Are The Benefits of Almond Oil?

Because of its many healthy ingredients, almond oil can be highly beneficial. Almond oil’s natural ingredient list includes vitamins, minerals, fibers, and polyunsaturated fats. Here are some ways the use of almond oil may help support healthy hair, skin, and body.

almond oil benefits | Activated You1. The Benefits Of Almond Oil For Your Hair

If you are suffering from poor hair health, you may want to consult your doctor about incorporating almond oil into your hair care routine.

Almond oil can help maintain hair that appears:

  • Healthy
  • Soft
  • Shiny
  • Strong
  • Hydrated

In addition, almond oil may help support a healthy, flake-free scalp.8

2. How Do I Add Almond Oil To My Hair Care Routine?

If you think your hair health could benefit from the use of almond oil, here are some ways to include it in your hair care routine. Remember to always consult your doctor or hair care specialist first.

1. Soak your hair in a mixture of olive oil and almond oil
This method can be used for dry or damaged hair.

2. Mix almond oil with a ripe avocado to create an all-natural hair mask
Try this method for hair that has been made rough by sun overexposure or heat.

3. Replace your everyday hair oil with almond oil
This may help give your hair an extra shine.9

3. How Does Almond Oil Act As A Nourishing Skin Moisturizer?

Almond oil is an emollient, which means its moisturizing properties can help support soft and hydrated skin. Almond oil contains occlusive ingredients, which add a layer of oil to the surface of the skin to help slow water loss.10

As with all topical applications, consult your doctor before the use of almond oil as a moisturizer.

almond oil benefits | Activated You

The Benefits Of Almond Oil For Your Body

Additionally, there are several ways that using almond oil may benefit your body and internal health.

The ingredients in almond oil such as vitamin E and unsaturated fats may be able to support healthy:

  • Digestion
  • Blood pressure levels
  • Cholesterol levels11

As always, talk to your doctor before deciding if almond oil is right for you.

The Takeaway

The nutritional qualities of almond oil may help support the health of your hair, skin, and body. Almond oil comes in several forms and varieties and is a relatively easy addition to daily routines and diets. Always be sure to communicate with your doctor about the use of this natural oil and to learn more about how it may be beneficial to you.

Learn More:
How to Hide Dark Circles Under Eyes (with amazing vitamins!)
Essential Vegan Staples for Your Kitchen
Are You Eating This Incredible Green Superfood?
