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It’s definitely inspiring (and not to mention relaxing) to witness the grace and power of aerial yoga  enough that you might want to start an aerial yoga practice of your own. Learning more about the whole concept of aerial yoga fitness could help you muster up the courage to head into the studio and give those silken slings a shot.

Read on to learn about the key concept behind this fitness discipline and how it differs from traditional yoga, what you need to know before heading into your first aerial yoga class, and how this type of yoga may potentially benefit both your mind and body. You might just find yourself soaring gracefully out of your comfort zone in no time.

Less Physical Stress, More Freedom Of Movement: Here’s Why Everyone Should Consider Aerial Yoga

aerial yoga | ActivatedYouAerial yoga uses a special silk hammock or harness safely secured to the ceiling to help support your body weight. This may allow you to experience better ease of movement and flexibility. While some aerial yoga poses do contain elements of yoga, many aerial yoga instructors ground their practice in modern dance, pilates, gymnastics, and other movement disciplines as well.1

While there is still a floor yoga or mat component to most aerial classes, learning to trust and work with the aerial yoga hammock can help support your body through deeper stretches, postures, and possibly even more advanced yoga poses with less impact or stress on your joints. There is also a psychological element  many say one of the key benefits of defying gravity with aerial yoga is the feeling of being in a cocoon, which may be mood-lifting.2

The Benefits of Aerial Fitness For Beginners And Experienced Yoga Lovers Alike

Whether you’re just starting a regular yoga practice and want to see if this fitness discipline is for you, or you already have previous yoga experience and are looking for ways to level up your yoga practice, you’re sure to enjoy these key benefits.

aerial yoga | ActivatedYouBeginner? Almost Anyone Can Learn To Do Aerial Yoga

Many studios offer beginner or foundation-style aerial yoga classes. Here, you can master the basic movements (as well as any fears you may have). You don’t even have to invest in pricey shoes or equipment to get started  all you need is a willingness to try.3

Already Love Yoga? Master It Even More

With the support of the harness or swing, you may find yourself able to experience improved flexibility. This may allow you to achieve your yoga flow more easily, and it might make some more challenging yoga poses accessible or doable.4 This makes aerial yoga a good complement to an established mat-based yoga practice.

A Great Core Workout Without Added Stress

Aerial yoga is a great workout for the entire body. Many of the positions help engage your core and support your shoulders and arm muscles  which is great for building upper body mobility and strength. Consider aerial yoga your chance for a good stretch and to build strength without adding more wear and tear to your body.5

How Aerial Yoga Compares To Classic Yoga

During an aerial yoga class, you might notice some familiar mat yoga poses taken up into the air, but some aerial yoga moves may be new to you. Most aerial yoga is a hybrid of other movement-based workouts, so don’t expect a lot of traditional yoga. But, as previously mentioned, it’s certainly an effective  and fun  way to help support your full-body flexibility which might help improve your classic yoga performance.6

What To Expect During An Aerial Fitness Class: Aerial Yoga Tips For Beginners

aerial yoga | ActivatedYou

If you’re ready to give aerial yoga a try, here’s what you should know and keep in mind before your first session.

  • Come prepared. This means both preparing yourself both physically and mentally. Don’t come in with a full stomach, take off any dangling jewelry, and make sure you’re wearing form-fitting tight yoga pants and a good sports bra. In terms of your mindset, suspend your fears  the harness can safely support thousands of pounds worth of weight, and you’ll only be about a meter above ground to start, so there’s nothing to worry about.7
  • Everything can be modified. Aerial yoga is accessible to all fitness levels, and moves can be modified to suit you. However, this is only possible if you tell your teacher. Don’t be shy about speaking up if a pose feels too challenging, and don’t be afraid to go at your own pace. It’s for your safety and continued growth, after all.8
  • It’s totally okay to relax and have fun. There’s no shame in admitting your only motivation to join is to feel like an acrobat. Fitness can and should be fun for you, and as long as you stay safe and listen your aerial yoga teacher, there’s no reason not to have a blast.9
  • Run it by your doctor first (as with any new exercise).

Is It Safe To Do Aerial Yoga At Home?

aerial yoga | ActivatedYouUnlike other types of yoga you can easily do on your own with enough space for a mat, aerial yoga requires special harnesses suspended from ceilings. It would be in your best interest to sign up for classes at a legitimate studio, so you’re sure to be safe from accident or injury.

Find A Class Near You Today

Looking to find classes near you? Ask around at larger gyms in your community to see if they offer this fun alternative to mat yoga. You can also search online for deals and class packages available in your city. It’s the best way to defy gravity in the name of fun and fitness.

Learn More:
Energizing Yoga Poses For A Natural Energy Boost
How To Choose A Yoga Mat: Find The Right One For Your Unique Needs
How To Breathe During Yoga: Proper Breathing For Different Yoga Poses
