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I want to talk about a cause near and dear to my heart…

And thank YOU for being a part of it.

If you don’t know, ActivatedYou is proud to partner with AnimalsAsia.

This incredible non-profit seeks to end animal cruelty in Asia, provide a sanctuary for harmed species, and create a safer world for them to live in.

I know this is a tough subject to talk about (personally, it’s gut-wrenching for me)

But the only way to END these issues is to DO something about it.

That’s why ActivatedYou offers support to this incredible charity…

Meaning YOU also play a major part in the amazing accomplishments AnimalsAsia has already achieved.

For starters, they dedicate a large portion of their efforts to ending bear bile farming…

A heinous practice where a bear’s gallbladder is extracted for bile, which is then used as medicine.

They’re kept in tiny cages, and it takes a horrific toll on their physical and mental health.

Fortunately, AnimalsAsia has rescued more than 610 wild bears and counting.

AnimalsAsia operates bear sanctuaries in China and Vietnam.

And bears aren’t the only animal their team looks out for.

AnimalsAsia also focuses its efforts on rescuing cats and dogs…

Because unfortunately, some parts of China still use dogs and cats as meat.

I know it’s troubling, but we firmly believe this is due to a lack of awareness and education — not a lack of compassion.

Thankfully, their team does incredible work to spread awareness AND scientific findings about the emotional intelligence of our furry friends…

They advocate for more compassionate, humane treatment of cats and dogs in these communities.

Just look at these adorable happy faces… thanks to AnimalsAsia, and YOU:

The organization spreads the message that dogs are friends, not food.
The organization spreads the message that dogs are friends, not food.

Their team really does SO much to help protect our beloved animals…

They even fight for the humane treatment of elephants, monkeys, and other wild animals held in captivity and abused for circuses…

And helped set up Vietnam’s first ethical elephant tour.

An elephant lives free at an ethical tour sanctuary.
An elephant lives free at an ethical tour sanctuary.

I’m so grateful to be part of this work toward a kinder world…

And don’t forget — YOU also have a hand in helping these beautiful animals enjoy the happy, healthy, SAFE lives they deserve.

If you want to learn more about AnimalsAsia and the work they do…

(Or if you’d like to make a donation directly to the cause) —

Click here to visit

When we join together, we can make a difference for animals across the world.

So on behalf of the whole ActivatedYou team, we can’t thank you enough…

Because we couldn’t support this meaningful cause without you!